Skittles Night

Evesham Conservatives invite you to a Skittles Night Friday 29th October 2021Doors open 7pm, first game at 7.30pm! Venue: Ecgwins Club, 117 High Street, Evesham WR11 4EQ Cost: £10 per person, includes buffet supper No need to pay in advance, Read more

Could you be a councillor?

Could you be an Evesham Town Councillor? Evesham Town Council currently has three vacancies, following the departure of three councillors. By-elections to replace them will be held on Thursday 28th October. Evesham Conservatives are currently recruiting candidates to stand for Read more

Restarting the branch

Now that we are finally but cautiously emerging from restrictions we have had to live with for the past 18 months or so, it is time to pick up the pieces and reshape them into a new future for us Read more