Could you be a councillor?

Could you be an Evesham Town Councillor?

Evesham Town Council currently has three vacancies, following the departure of three councillors. By-elections to replace them will be held on Thursday 28th October.

Evesham Conservatives are currently recruiting candidates to stand for election. If you’ve ever considered becoming a councillor – or even if you haven’t – then we’d love to hear from you!

What does the town council do?

Evesham Town Council is at the most local level of local government, sitting below Worcestershire County Council and Wychavon District Council. The town council is a statutory consultee on planning applications, which feeds into the district council’s decision making, and is a provider of grant funding for local groups and organisations. Events which are supported by the town council include the River Festival, the Angling Festival, the Festival of Brass and the Battle of Evesham Festival. 

The Almonry museum is a key part of the town council’s work, and other properties managed by the town council include the Town Hall and, via its role as Trustee, Wallace House Community Centre. The town council maintains the All Saints churchyard and is responsible for the cemeteries on Waterside and in Hampton as well as Battleton Brook Open Space.

The town council is also responsible for many aspects of local life around the town, including the floral displays in the town centre, the charter market, the Christmas lights and the Mop Fair.

What is involved?

Evesham Town Council meetings are generally held on Monday evenings, so you would need to be able to commit to one Monday evening a month for full council, plus other Mondays as necessary for any committees that you join. Plus, of course, you would need to be available to communicate with local residents in order to listen to their concerns and offer help and advice.

The work of a town councillor is not particularly time-consuming, but you would be expected to prioritise it over other non-work activities. Because of the varied nature of the town council’s work there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the things which really matter to you.

What qualifications do you need?

You don’t need any previous experience of politics or local government. For the vast majority of town councillors, standing for election was their first step into the world of local government.

 You do need to live or work in, or near, Evesham, and in order to stand as a Conservative candidate you will need to be a fully paid-up member on the date of the election.

Beyond that, the only thing we are really looking for is people with a passion for the town, who love living here and want to contribute towards making it a better place.


If you’re interested, or just want to know more, please get in touch. You’re not committing yourself to anything at this stage, so feel free to call or drop us a line just to find out more.

Get in touch

If you want to phone, then please call either Peter Griffiths (Evesham Branch Chairman) on 07867 528360 or Mark Goodge (Deputy Chairman) on 07860 265632. Or, if you’d prefer to email, then drop us a line to [email protected], or use the contact form on this website.