Skittles Night

Evesham Conservatives invite you to a Skittles Night

Friday 29th October 2021
Doors open 7pm, first game at 7.30pm!

Venue: Ecgwins Club, 117 High Street, Evesham WR11 4EQ

Cost: £10 per person, includes buffet supper

No need to pay in advance, just bring cash with you. But please let us know you are coming as we need to give a number to the caterers. Either email us on [email protected] or call/text Peter Griffiths on 07867 528360.

Now that we’ve got the branch up and running again, we’re putting together a calendar of events. The first will be our skittles night on 29th October. This is open to all members and their friends and family, so please feel free to bring along guests. It’s just a social event, nothing particularly political, although it is the day after the Evesham Town Council by-elections so hopefully we will have something to celebrate!