Could you be a Conservative councillor?

We have, unfortunately, two more vacancies on Evesham Town Council that we need to fill. These are in addition to the two by-elections which took place last year and the Avon ward by-election which will take place in February.

If you’ve ever considered becoming a councillor – or even if you haven’t – then we’d love to hear from you! 

You don’t need any previous experience of politics or local government. For the vast majority of town councillors, standing for election was their first step into the world of local government.

 You do need to live or work in, or near, Evesham, and in order to stand as a Conservative candidate you will need to be a fully paid-up member on the date of the election.

Beyond that, the only thing we are really looking for is people with a passion for the town, who love living here and want to contribute towards making it a better place.

Interested? Either drop us an email at [email protected], or call Peter Griffiths, branch chairman, on 07867 528360 or Mark Goodge, deputy chairman, on 07860 265632. Or talk to any of your local Conservative councillors about what’s involvedour contact details are on the website.