Restarting the branch

Now that we are finally but cautiously emerging from restrictions we have had to live with for the past 18 months or so, it is time to pick up the pieces and reshape them into a new future for us all.

Our local Branch has technically become dormant, by the default of not holding any meetings or indeed an AGM, therefore we need to re-awaken it.

We will therefore be holding a Special General Meeting of the branch on Friday 30th July so that we can elect our officers and get things going again. Plans are afoot for a full range of social events as well as political discussion and debate.

Those of you who are current or former members of the Evesham branch will be contacted by email or post with the full details of the meeting, provided we have your contact details on file. Unfortunately, though, we can’t be certain that we have everybody’s details as some of our data is a little out of date. So if you want to be involved, please add your name and email address to our mailing list using the form on this website (it’s on the right if you’re viewing this on a PC, or at the bottom of the page if you’re viewing it on a phone). That way, we can make sure we keep you in the loop.